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Intermediate Resuscitation Skills

Intermediate Resuscitation Skills

$339.00 (incl. GST)

This 7-hour assessed course with pre-reading readings is ideal for health professionals who may encounter resuscitation events in their occupation or workplace.

This course is suitable for all:

  • General practitioners (GPEP)
  • Nurses and midwives
  • Anaesthetic technicians
  • Radiographers
  • Dentists (who do not provide sedation)
  • Dental technicians and orthodontists etc.
  • Vaccinators
  • Other trained support staff in hospitals and community health.

All our tutors have Operational (Emergency Ambulance) experience

  • Endorsed by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP)

Please read the full course information and prerequisites before booking. First aid courses are non-refundable.

To enquire about private bookings please contact us through our First Aid Training form.

Please refer to our training terms & conditions.

More Information

This course focuses on the practical skills of resuscitation, and scenarios for the management of collapse and medical emergencies and will give you:

  • An Intermediate Resuscitation Skills certificate and 8 CPD credits
  • The confidence and skills to use advanced resuscitation equipment and techniques, while establishing team behaviour and the roles required during a cardiac arrest in line with the principles of high-performance CPR.

Course bookings will close 5 days before the course start date to ensure time for pre-reading to be completed before attending.

First Aid courses are non-refundable. Please refer to our training terms & conditions.

Course Content

Recognise and provide advanced resuscitation including how to:

  • Manage an adult, child and infant resuscitation
  • Manage an airway with head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust
  • Insert airway adjuncts including: OPA, LMA, i-Gel, bag-to-mask ventilation
  • Suction an airway
  • Safely administer oxygen from a cylinder
  • Manage medical emergencies including anaphylaxis with IM adrenaline
  • Safely use a defibrillator
  • Boost resilience to manage in an emergency.
Prerequisites & requirements

Attendees must:

  • Work in a healthcare setting and need resuscitation skills as part of their scope of practice
  • Be able to complete the recommended reading prior to course attendance (provided in the booking confirmation email)
  • Be able to physically perform practical skills including two minutes of continuous CPR on the floor
  • Be able to complete assessments in English.

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